Monday, May 26, 2014

Mama's Lending Hand

Stone and I spent Memorial Day weekend in Georgia helping Malia set up her and Jim's new home.  Boxes where unpacked, dishes washed, stored, and surely to be reorganized as time passes.  You come across things that didn't endure the move, which can be expected.  Many trips where made to get items to help with organization, frustrated when things didn't fit, or pieces where missing.  That meant back to the store. This happened more than once.  With sales going on everywhere, it was busy.   Stone would stand in the return line, while Malia and I would quickly go for what was needed . We would make it back to the check-out line finding Stone sitting and eating an ice-cream cone.  Apparently dealing with the returns makes a man hungry.   Back at the house Malia and I battled the inside, while Stone was out on the lawn watering the freshly sodded grass along with the lone tree that had been planted.  While out there he befriended one of the neighbors, learning more about the area especially the nearby pizza place.  With all the boxes unpacked,  broken down and taken away, you could really tell the progress that was made.  It takes time to make a house a home. The smell of freshly baked cookies which Malia made as we left will do it every time.
Two bag lady's heading home.

Malia riding the rail home with her purchases.

A nights view of the downtown skyline from Malia and Jim's roof-top patio.

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